The 2012 AGM was held at the Check Inn in Wroughton near Swindon. Event page.
MBSwindon Review Feb 2012
Quick History lesson
- Started in Sept 2008 with originally Phil and Tom, soon joined by Rafe with Land Rover.
- October 2009 Website launched.
- Club started in Feb 2010.
Trail Build 2010
- We surfaced 57% of the trail in 2010 and
- Ended up with 82% of the trail surfaced.
Trail Build 2011
- From Feb 2011 to Feb 2012 we had 28 build days and 8 build evenings.
- In that time we resurfaced 665m of trail (Piper’s, east side, south side)
- Built and surfaced 230m of new trail on Piper’s and 950m of new trail in the triangle.
- This year we resurfaced the missing 20% (900m) including replacing 5% of it on Pipers (230m). Then built another 22% (950m in the triangle).
- This year: 1,850m surfaced using 190 tonnes of material (9.7m/ tonne)
- Last year: 2,400m surfaced using 160 tonnes (15m/tonne) (1.5 times as much per m)
- Of the existing 5.2km we worked on 35% of it this year.
- 1850/28 is 66m of trail per day on average.
Now the bit you’ve been waiting for.
190 tonnes of material is 760 power barrow loads or 2,400 wheel barrow loads or 48,000 shovel fulls and 35mm of trail per shovel!
Estimate that there’s 500m of trail to fix. That will take a few build weekends.

We have ride reports for 66 events.
- 35 were club rides.
- 31 were local, 35 were away (20/17 last year)
- 20 were novice friendly (8 last year)
- 12 were weekends away (including races)
- 8 were women’s (2 last year)
- 7 were race.
- 3 were sweeping (Castles, Prospect, Bike fest)
- 9 were unffocial ( ridgeway, not counting urban round)
- 6 were other (TBAs,TBAS croft, Hargroves open evening, 2x maintenance evenings, Netball, curry evening, open day, demo day)
- 66 events plus 52 evening trail rides (118 so far)
- 28 build days and 8 build evenings (36 compared with 59 previous year) (154)
- 8 training days (162)
- plus several unofficial ridgeway rides and around 15 urban rounds, call it 20 more
- That’s 182 events.
- 2 days between events on average!
Club Stats
Stats Feb 2012 (2011)
- 175 (107) club members (1.6) that includes replacing most of the people who we’ve never heard of.
- 391 (253) subscribers (1.5)
- 534 (428) facebook members (1.24)
- No forum (98) forum members (active since July 2010)
- 59 twitter followers since we started in September 2011 (10 per month)
15th Feb 2011- 15th Feb 2012-
- 56,000 visits
- 27,000 unique visitors (2,250 per month, up from 1,500 per month in 2011)
- 251,000 page views (20,000 per month, up from 15,000 per month in 2011)
- Source: 26,000 from Google, 10,000 from direct and 10,000 from facebook.

Club Offers
- 9 shops
- 13 holiday
- 2 sports related
- 4 other
- 28 total
43 raffle prizes at the Curry Night.
- BBC Wiltshire interview at the Bike Festival
- Article on Bristol Trails Group website
- Singletrack magazine ride guide Feb 2012
- Swindon Advertiser for Prospect ride
Plans for 2012
To continue doing what we do.
-monthly local ride
-monthly away rides
-monthly novice friendly
-monthly womens
-training courses
-urban rides and Wednesday night unofficial rides
-weekends (Brechfa, Mid Wales, North Wales, Ridgeway, Alps, Dartmoor, Mid Wales)
-trail development – maintenance plus new features