It’s been a couple of years since we’ve done a Fireworks Night ride, so about time we did it again. We will be starting main ride from Foxhill car park and be heading across the Hinton Downs and Peaks Downs towards Baydon/M4 then head Northwards up Bailey Hill to Weathercock Hill and along Odstone Down to rejoin the Ridgeway track. Provided a sufficient number hit the “join button” on Facebook, there will be a mid-ride mobile “coffee and cake” stop set up in car park at the top of Ashbury Hill. Once everyone is refreshed we will continue back along the Ridgeway to Foxhill.
With lots of the ride being on higher ground, the theory is we will get to see lots of fireworks all around us with plenty of big bangs.
This will be a novice friendly ride, and no one will be left behind, but please make your own mind up if you feel confident with this distance in the dark.
Based on the last one, expect crap, freezing cold weather, lots of mud and bottomless puddles…..but hopefully a few giggles
Bring front and back lights (essential), warm/waterproof clothing, basic spares and snacks/drinks as appropriate.
Aim to be back to Foxhill by 9:30/10:00, but this will be dependent on speed of group and duration of coffee and cake stop.